Chapter 2 – Changes In Performing Transaction
Chapter 2.5 – Lookup Search
1) Difference of Lookup Search in 1.9 and 2.0
Search in 1.9 supports sorting using the header’s drop-down list.

In 2.0, the search column bar will allow users to search and filter using the header’s drop-down list.

2) Use 1.9 Search
2.1 Go to Menu → Tools → Options → General → Application Setting → “Use Search Lookup Edit”.
2.2 Uncheck the Use Search Lookup Edit checkbox.
2.3 Click OK.
2.4 Use the search in 1.9.
3) Search Mode
3.1 Go to Menu → Tools → Options → General → Application Setting → “Search Mode”.
- Three different search modes are supported: “AND”, “EXACT”, and “OR”.
3.2a) Search Mode: AND
- Search based on the keywords you entered.
- Spaces between keywords will be treated as different words.
- The result should contain all these keywords.
Example 1:
Search for “Chicken Chop” in “AND” mode to find items that contain both the words “Chicken” and “Chop”.
Example 2:
Searching for “lemon rice” will show items that contain both the words “lemon” and “rice”, such as Lemon Chicken Rice and Lemon Fried Rice.
3.2b) Search Mode: EXACT
- Search for the keywords you entered as a single word, regardless of spaces.
Example 3:
Searching for “rice” will show items that contain the word “rice”, such as Chicken Rice, Lemon Chicken Rice, and Lemon Fried Rice.
Example 4:
Searching for “lemon rice” returned no results, because no items contain the exact word “lemon rice”.
Example 5:
Searching for “lemon chicken” will show the item “Lemon Chicken Rice”, because it contains the words “lemon” and “chicken”.
3.2c) Search Mode: OR
- Search based on the keywords you entered, treating spaces between keywords as different words.
- The result should contain any of the separated words.
Example 6:
Searching for “chicken soup” will show items that contain the word “chicken” or the word “soup”, such as Chicken Chop, Chicken Soup, Mushroom Soup, Fried Chicken, Chicken Rice, and Lemon Chicken Rice.
Example 7:
Searching for “lamb chop” shows both Chicken Chop and Lamb Chop, because both items contain either the word “lamb” or the word “chop”.
4) Item Search
- Search the keyword in any selected criteria.