Chapter 3 – New Feature
Autocount Chapter 3.8 – Stock Take
- Please key in the physical on hand quantity of all items as per today’s date or stock take result.
- Compare the quantity of each item by UOM, location, or batch, and make any necessary adjustments.
1) Create New Stock Take.
1.1 Go to Stock → Stock Take. Click New to create a Stock Take.
1.2 You will be prompted to create a new stock take.
1.3 Key in the details of the stock take, such as the Description, Date, and Location.
1.4 Click Save.
2) Functions Buttons:
- Merge: Merge any rows with the same Item Code, UOM, Location, and Batch number, and delete any rows with an empty physical quantity.
- Add Item By Filtering: Use filtering to add items in bulk, instead of adding them one by one. You can filter by Item Code, Item Group, or Item Type.
- Recalculate On Hand Qty: Recalculate latest balance quantity in the system.
- Post To Adjustment: Allow the system to automatically post a stock adjustment to adjust the item quantity based on the difference between the on-hand quantity and the physical quantity. A stock adjustment entry will be prompted with the items and quantities already filled in.
3) Post to Stock Adjustment.
3.1 Once you have completed the stock take, click Post To Adjustment on the stock take document to update the inventory levels.
3.2 The system will automatically generate the stock adjustment with the items filled in.
3.3 Once you have reviewed the stock adjustment, click Save to post it.
3.4 The system will update the posting date for the document.
4) Print Stock Take Listing.
4.1 Click Print Listing.
4.2 Select report type.
4.3 Use the filter to search for specific documents.
4.4 Tick the checkbox next to the document that you want to preview or print, and then click the “Preview” or “Print” button.